Modular creative strategy

[shared]Modular Video Ad Production Process

The fundamental structure of a direct response video ad is:

Hook → Body → CTA


Sovran helps you stitch together your hooks, your body videos, and your call to action end cards.

With a little bit of creative strategy, all your hooks, body videos, and call-to-actions can be interwoven.

Take these Noom ads for example:

In this “UGC Hook to animated quiz onboarding” concept, they’re testing 3 different visual hooks while keeping everything else the same.

Noom Inspo.mp4

In this “Food Hook to testimonial stack” concept, they’re testing 3 different visual hooks while keeping everything else the same again.

Noom Inspo1.mp4

This is just a glimpse into 6 of Noom’s video ads.

Brands like Calm, Hims, Dr. Squatch, Curology, AG1, and Ridge all adopt a modular video ad approach.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you create a video ad.

Assemble your building blocks